Quest for Success is an innovative, standalone career exploration course designed for grades 7-10 to ensure all students are prepared for careers of the future.
Created By Educators For Educators
What do teachers say about Quest for Success?
“I really enjoyed having the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers across the state. Seeing how the lessons played out in other schools, grades, and districts was inspiring. Being able to find support when I was struggling to scaffold a lesson or make connections for ELL students was also invaluable. I never felt like I was doing this by myself. ”
Quest for Success is updated and ready for the 2024-25 school year! All eight units have been fully refreshed with resources updated to 2022 or later unless a stronger earlier version exists.
Quest for Success is taught at scale in Louisiana and across districts in Texas, and has been downloaded by hundreds of educators from 48 states and 20 countries. The course is developed by experienced educators and informed by best practices in education, labor market data, and employer demands, with support from nationally-recognized resources and partners.
Through eight strategically designed units, students get a broad understanding of high-opportunity career sectors. Each unit is ready to implement virtually and includes detailed unit plans, teacher guides with 50-minute lessons plans for every day, performance tasks, rubrics, and various support materials. Through Quest for Success, students will:
explore a variety of industry sectors, in-demand careers, and related pathways;
develop cross-sector competencies, like communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration, needed for career and life success;
learn about themselves to successfully navigate education and the world of work.
Cambiar Quest enables the expansion of Quest for Success in a state or district through course customization, professional development, and implementation support.
Course Customization: Cambiar Quest aligns the curriculum to relevant academic, career readiness, and course standards and integrates district- or state-specific high school selection, graduation, and career planning processes and resources.
Teacher Professional Development: Cambiar Quest builds the capacity of teachers to effectively teach the course, including effective facilitation of project-based learning. Scopes are site-specific but may include virtual sessions before launching the course and during the pilot semester.